Languages in relationshipsHave you noticed that once a relationship between people has been started in a particular language, it is very hard to change this at a…Jan 22, 2023Jan 22, 2023
DyslexiaOn this page I will talk about dyslexia and what this means for bilingualism or when learning another language. As this is not one of the…Jan 22, 2023Jan 22, 2023
Language development: stage of linguistic completion (5+ years)In this blogseries I will talk about the language development or acquisition of a child, both monolingual and bilingual (or multilingual)…Aug 7, 2022Aug 7, 2022
Language development: stage of linguistic differentiation (2;6–5 years)In this blogseries I will talk about the language development or acquisition of a child, both monolingual and bilingual (or multilingual)…Aug 7, 2022Aug 7, 2022
Language development: the two-word and telegraphic stage (1;6–2;6 years)In this blogseries I will talk about the language development or acquisition of a child, both monolingual and bilingual (or multilingual)…Aug 7, 2022Aug 7, 2022
Language development: The one-word stage (1;0–1;6 years)In this blogseries I will talk about the language development or acquisition of a child, both monolingual and bilingual (or multilingual)…Aug 7, 2022Aug 7, 2022
Language development: Preverbal stage (0–1 years)In this blogseries I will talk about the language development or acquisition of a child, both monolingual and bilingual (or multilingual)…Aug 6, 2022Aug 6, 2022
Language development: Defining terminologyIn this blogseries I will talk about the language development or acquisition of a child, both monolingual and bilingual (or multilingual)…Aug 6, 2022Aug 6, 2022
Signing AND Speaking?In this blog I will talk about how I use sign language when communicating with the children in my work. There are different ways to…Aug 6, 2022Aug 6, 2022